Classics with Newbies

Have you ever listened to a piece of music you think is overplayed with someone who is experiencing it for the first time? One of my favorite things about my husband (and there are many favorite things!) is the fact that he’s not - I repeat not - a musician. (Did you know that we’re allowed to marry outside our job field??) He loves music. He loves listening to pretty much all genres of music and prefers to have music playing in the background at all times. Even though he took a few classes in college and a year of piano lessons, he definitely doesn’t categorize himself as a musician.

Friends… it’s so awesome that he’s not one. No baggage from conservatory-training or do or die tendencies when it comes to performances. So down to earth and well adjusted. - sigh - He’s awesome. But I digress.

There have been a few times when he puts on a piece from my musical world that I have felt is over played, over done, and I’m just… over it. But when my husband experienced, for example, Rhapsody in Blue for the first time, I had a new experience with it. Listening to “my music” through someone else’s perspective was truly eye-opening.

Let me give you an example. You know the part towards the end where the orchestra gets way more bombastic? 

My husband said it reminded him of this part in Hook

Which was exciting for him and gave him the chills and he wanted to talk about it with me! I could’ve easily shut down that enthusiasm with an “Uugggh… Sooooo overplayed <insert eye roll here>”. But instead, I let his enthusiasm wash over me and we went down a fun path of “What other music sounds a little like movie music?” 

My point is, his joy of experiencing this great music was infectious and it reminded me just how truly great some of it is. Setting my jaded attitude aside and experiencing this music as if I’d never heard it before was so wonderful.

I think more musicians that perform this particular genre (ie “classical” music) would do well to find more non-musicians to hang out with (or marry!) and experience our music from their perspective. It’s eye-opening and brings the joy back.

12/10 would highly recommend listening to music with my husband.

(Note: the picture used for this post is from when I dragged him to a flute convention. He’s such a trooper.)

Hilary Abigana